
News about apps and games for free in the App Store

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  • Burgermania — доставка не только бургеров за 60 минут

    October 21st at 1:01pm / / 0 opinions

    В ритме современной жизни времени на приготовление еды совершенно не остается. Конечно, на выходных иногда удается выкроить несколько часов на хороший обед или ужин, но и тут многие сдаются, когда понимают, что потом придется мыть гору посуды. Все это является одной из самых главных причин успеха ресторанов, которые осуществляют доставку. Но тут мы снова сталкиваемся с очередной дилеммой: что заказать? И если некогда модные суши уже надоели, а хорошую пиццу найти практически невозможно, то бургеры –...

  • FoodRock Меню для iPad — поистине вкусное обновление

    October 18th at 7:21pm / / 0 opinions

    Не так давно на нашем сайте уже публиковался обзор приложения FoodRock, которое является настоящим путеводителем среди широкого разнообразия московских кафе и ресторанов. Буквально на днях данное приложение обзавелось глобальным обновлением и теперь доступно не только для пользователей iPhone, но и iPad. Хоть актуальная поговорка и гласит о том, что на вкус и цвет товарищей нет, тем не менее, мнению людей мы доверять привыкли, и теперь, с обновлённым приложением, делать это будет гораздо удобнее.

  • «Каури Товары» дарит деньги и iPhone 5s!

    October 12th at 4:41pm / Планета iPhone / 0 opinions

    Умопомрачительный конкурс приготовило для своих пользователей приложение «Каури Товары»! На протяжении трех месяцев — с 1 октября по 31 декабря — для владельцев iOS-устройств в рамках «Каури Товары» вводится новая валюта под названием «каурики». Это даже не валюта, а своеобразные очки, которые будут начисляться, разумеется, за определенные действия. Главным призом конкурса является новый смартфон от компании Apple — iPhone 5s, а самых активных пользователей приложения ждет приятные поощрения в виде...

  • AppSeed Turns Your Sketches Into App Prototypes

    October 9th at 12:25am / Mashable / 0 opinions

    It's one thing to sketch out an idea for an app, but turning it into a working digital design is another story. AppSeed makes that entire process much more seamless. Take a photo of your drawing -- making sure to capture the image within the app's specific markers -- and let computer vision do the rest. The app turns your sketched-out features into user interface (UI) elements such as a map or street view and even input text.

  • 8 Apps You Don't Want To Miss

    October 6th at 2:45am / Mashable / 0 opinions

    From an application that helps you book appointments to one that reinvents how you video chat with friends -- it's been an exciting week for apps. Don't worry if you missed out on any, though, as Mashable creates a roundup each weekend of our favorite new and updated apps. See also: iOS 7 Apps: Download These Now Notable apps include an Android launcher that makes your device look like it's running iOS 7, and a new app that helps you get creative with leftovers.

  • Cover’s dining out app for iOS aims to eliminate time spent waiting for your check

    October 1st at 8:48pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    Cover has launched out of beta with an iOS app that lets restaurant goers in New York City easily pay for their meals without having to wait for the check....

  • Fluc, A Lyft For Food, Launches In San Francisco And Mountain View

    September 27th at 8:23pm / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    Since its launch earlier this summer, Palo Alto-based Fluc, one of what’s now many, many food delivery startups, has been targeting the majority of restaurants that don’t offer delivery. Today, the company is officially announcing an expansion beyond its initial service areas of Palo Alto and Menlo Park to San Francisco and Mountain View. The company has also added more than 85 restaurants to…

  • The App That Will Make Sustainable Energy Cool

    September 23rd at 5:25pm / Mashable / 0 opinions

    When you ask kids about their favorite things, sustainable energy probably doesn't top the list. But a new movement and mobile platform called mPowering Action might change that. The app is designed to inspire, empower and motivate a generation of global citizens to take positive action around the world.

  • Our Favorite iOS, Android, and Windows Phone Apps of the Week

    September 21st at 4:10pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    Hello! You might notice that Apps of the Week looks a little different this week. You might also have noticed that our usual App of the Day posts were conspicuously absent. Things are changing, and we're replacing App of the Day with a new, improved, and Windows Phone-inclusive Apps of the Week. Let us know what you think of the changes, and please, enjoy....

  • 10 Empowering Apps for Social Good

    September 20th at 7:05pm / Mashable / 0 opinions

    Apps are more deeply intertwined with our daily routines than ever. We wake up with the help of our favorite alarm apps, leave ourselves reminders on our favorite note-taking apps and find recipes to cook at mealtime with the help of content discovery apps. But have you thought about introducing apps into your civic life? There are loads of apps out there that let you donate to good causes or learn about crises across the world, all from your phone.

  • Yummly brings its recipe-crunching tools to the grocery store with a new iPhone app

    September 19th at 3:29pm / GigaOM / 0 opinions

    Yummly’s first mobile app doesn’t just port its semantic food search engine over to iOS. Rather, the company has designed its iPhone app to be used in the grocery store rather than the kitchen.

  • Before and after: The best iOS 7 app redesigns (Updating)

    September 18th at 8:08pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    With the release of iOS 7 comes a new look and feel for the operating system, and with only tweaks and changes having arrived since its first introduction back in 2007, it couldn’t come a minute too soon....

  • iPad Obliterate: A Tech Tale of Disaster

    September 16th at 11:45pm / Mashable / 0 opinions

    A perfect cocktail of poor planning, laziness, tech glitches and fate combined to reduce years of digital Apple iPad artwork to little more than fading memories.

  • New York’s Immaculate Infatuation and its fresh take on content-based recommendations

    September 15th at 8:08pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    Food criticism has always been, for the most part, under the grip of the old guard. Accessibility, being relatable, and, as far as diction is concerned, readability were never much part of the protocol, and so any conversation surrounding the simple act of dining was kept to the printed page. But that doesn’t work anymore, certainly not in New York, where the Internet and multi-borough food culture have attracted a swarm of twenty-somethings and up....

  • 10 apps that would make every smartwatch a must-have device

    September 11th at 4:08pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    Smartwatches are similar to smartphones and tablets. Gorgeous hardware is of little use to people unless it’s coupled with brilliant software. Pre-installed apps can be a good foundation, but most users want their favorite third-party services such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram....

  • Foodie photo-sharing app Burpple now includes Asian city food guides

    September 11th at 12:48pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    Singapore-based startup Burpple has moved beyond being only a food-themed photo sharing app, as it launched food guides today to help its users discover places to visit....

  • The Best Cookbook Apps to Make Yourself a 21st Century Julia Child

    September 9th at 11:30pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    Though chock-full of delicious knowledge, traditional cookbooks are far too portly for the modern kitchen. Instead of dedicating valuable shelf space to dozens of cooking anthologies, let them live in the cloud or in your tablet. Here are 10 ways to digitize your recipe collection as suggested by the Gizmodo community....

  • How your iPhone can help you find the perfect cup of coffee

    September 4th at 9:00am / GigaOM / 0 opinions

    The path to perfection often requires the help and guidance of others, even when that path leads to a cup of coffee. These ten apps will help you find your path to the perfect cup.

  • Staycation, all the apps I ever wanted

    August 31st at 5:02pm / Macworld / 0 opinions

    Labor Day is the greatest weekend of the year—the entire point of the holiday is to have an extra day to take it easy. And while the airports and highways will be jammed with people trying to squeeze in one last trip of the summer, to truly take it easy you don’t have to go far from home. It’s time for a good old-fashioned staycation. These apps can make sure you have a great one without sweating too much over the planning....

  • 10 Apps to Throw the Perfect Party

    August 28th at 3:05pm / Mashable / 0 opinions

    From whittling down an extensive guest list to preparing all the hors d’oeuvres, it takes a lot of time and effort to plan an unforgettable celebration. So whether you’re coordinating an intimate reception or a pull-out-all-the-stops birthday bash, these 10 apps will help you streamline the process, and perhaps even leave you time to -- gasp -- enjoy the party. See also: 8 Pro Tips for Evernote Power Users What apps do you use to plan a get-together? Let us know in the comments below.

  • Бесплатные приложения на 24 августа

    August 24th at 9:41pm / Планета iPhone / 0 opinions

    В этой рубрике публикуются краткие обзоры приложений из всех региональных App Store, которые становятся бесплатными на ограниченное время. Скачав приложение в рамках промо-акции его издателя, вы получаете его бесплатно пожизненно, все его обновления в будущем так же бесплатны.

  • Серия 365 дней. История об отрывных календарях

    August 24th at 5:42pm / / 0 opinions

    Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели. Недавно студия DeCafe выпустила новое приложение из серии «365 дней» под названием «365 праздников». Серия успела полюбиться многим пользователям, но чего греха таить: были и взлеты, и падения. Сегодня я поведаю историю о тернистом пути разработки целой линейки приложений. Надеюсь, она покажется вам любопытной и в чем-то поучительной....

  • Mario Batali's New App Turns Food Photography Into Philanthropy

    August 23rd at 6:05am / Mashable / 0 opinions

    Are you guilty of snapping pics of your tastiest meals? Now you can give back when you whip out your smartphone at the dinner table. Celebrity chef Mario Batali has teamed up with non-profit The Lunchbox Fund to launch Feedie, a philanthropic app for foodies. See also: 10 Instagram Foodie Accounts to Make Your Mouth Water Each time you take a picture of your food at a participating restaurant using Feedie, the restaurant makes an instant donation equivalent to one meal to The Lunchbox Fund.

  • Бесплатные приложения на 22 августа

    August 22nd at 9:41pm / Планета iPhone / 0 opinions

    В этой рубрике публикуются краткие обзоры приложений из всех региональных App Store, которые становятся бесплатными на ограниченное время. Скачав приложение в рамках промо-акции его издателя, вы получаете его бесплатно пожизненно, все его обновления в будущем так же бесплатны.

  • Six tips from Apple on how to create better app icons

    August 21st at 7:08pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    This is a guest post by Martin LeBlanc, the founder of IconFinder, a search engine for icons. You can follow him on twitter here...