Pocket Yoga

Rainfrog, LLC
Health & Fitness
Release date
March 20th 2010
126.3 Mb
  • 9 great health and fitness Apple Watch apps to get on your wrist now

    March 15th at 11:05am / Mashable / 0 opinions

    Want to lose weight, be healthier or find your zen? Get these Apple Watch apps on your radar.

  • Staff Picks: Bring your studio home with Pocket Yoga

    February 28th at 11:42pm / Macworld / 0 opinions

    When I’m not writing about apps, OS X, or iOS, I play roller derby with Boston’s all-star travel team. We’re currently ranked 16th in the world, which is pretty exciting—but it also means practicing and scrimmaging at an extremely high level, three to four days a week. And as anyone who has played a contact sport can attest, your body can get a little beaten up after just a few weeks....

  • The Best Health And Fitness Apps For Your New Year’s Needs

    January 2nd at 8:03pm / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    The holidays wreak havoc on our bodies, with their mandatory over-indulgence in food as well as family and reminiscences. As we reflect on the year past — its victories and losses — we also begin looking ahead to the next, and in big ways or small, making plans to keep our momentum going. For many, this involves taking health more seriously, whether it’s losing a few pounds, training for that…