SPG: Starwood Hotels & Resorts

Starwood Hotels and Resorts
Release date
June 5th 2009
30.6 Mb
  • Roundup: The best and most interesting third-party apps for your new Apple Watch

    April 24th at 10:31pm / AppleInsider / 0 opinions

    With newly-delivered Apple Watch units now on the wrists of the lucky, users will undoubtedly be looking to try out the best launch-day apps for their latest purchase. AppleInsider offers a roundup of some prominent and essential launch-day apps, divided by category.

  • The first Apple Watch apps have arrived, sort of

    March 27th at 7:49am / Macworld / 0 opinions

    The Apple Watch won't launch until late April, but a couple dozen apps have already arrived.

  • Apple Watch support comes to flurry of iPhone apps ahead of April launch

    March 26th at 11:31pm / AppleInsider / 0 opinions

    A collection of iPhone apps -- such as Evernote, Dark Sky, and the New York Times -- were updated today to support the Apple Watch, even though the wearable isn't shipping until April 24.

  • What Your Favorite Apps Look Like On Apple Watch (Plus New Ones!)

    March 10th at 12:03am / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    In preparation for Apple’s first wearable device, mobile developers have been busy creating all kinds of applications designed especially for the Apple Watch’s small screen. The watch, which is said by early testers to be so usable that they found they were no longer pulling out their iPhone as often, allows you to interact with a variety of apps and notifications, ranging…

  • В сети отелей Aloft регистрационную стойку заменит iPhone

    January 27th at 9:23pm / iPhones.ru / 0 opinions

    За стремительно развивающимся прогрессом успевают следить только самые активные пользователи. Новинки рынка появляются как грибы, внедряясь в нашу жизнь повсеместно, земещая, казалось бы, ничем не заменимые вещи и предметы. Стойка регистрации в отеле – это то, что первое попадается туристу в незнакомом месте, но и её уже пытаются убрать, пока только в сети американских бутик-отелей Aloft....

  • Shadow Puppet Lets You Create Helpful Tutorial Videos on Your iPhone

    September 29th at 8:05am / Mashable / 0 opinions

    Sometimes an explanation requires more than just words. A new iPhone app called Shadow Puppet lets users generate narrated tutorial videos or photo slideshows straight from their phone. See also: Top 25 Free iPhone Apps of All Time Users simply select images from their library, arrange them in the order they wish to share them, and use the phone's voice recorder to narrate the slideshow as it plays.

  • 20 Apps That Look Great on iOS 7

    September 19th at 10:25pm / Mashable / 0 opinions

    Apple released iOS 7 on Wednesday, and debuted a huge visual overhaul along with it. Heavily textured backgrounds and dark colors are out, while soft gradients, thin sans-serif fonts and bright, bold hues are in. After looking at apps designed for iOS 6, Apple's latest operating system immediately seems out of place. Fortunately, many developers spent the better part of the summer preparing their apps to look at home on iOS 7.