Dark Horse Comics

Dark Horse Comics, Inc.
Release date
April 27th 2011
52.9 Mb
  • Dark Horse Comics does video game titles like no other

    August 31st at 5:04pm / Cult of Mac / 0 opinions

    SEATTLE, Washington – Walk into a comic shop, and you’ll probably see titles from publisher Dark Horse Comics. Known for its creator-owned series like Mike Mignola’s Hellboy and Sergio Aragonés’ Groo the Wanderer as well as television and movie adaptations…

  • The iPad as a comic-book reader

    March 4th at 5:02pm / Macworld / 0 opinions

    Tablets, led by the iPad, have the potential to shake up the comic-book industry even more than ebook readers have begun to change the world of prose books. Large, portable color screens are perfect for reading comics. They’ve got a portability that desktop and laptop PCs can’t match, and of course they show off the source material in a way that small black-and-white Kindle screens can’t....

  • The 3 best iPad comic book readers

    August 11th at 9:00am / GigaOM / 0 opinions

    There are a lot of comic book readers out there. Here are the best tablet apps I’ve found for reading them, both commercial readers (apps that let you buy comics as well as read them), and an app that supports CBZ and CBR files.

  • The Week’s Best iPad Apps

    May 23rd at 12:00am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    NYPL Biblion: The New York Public Library has a stunning new app that lets you see a ton of essays, pictures, people, etc and information about the 1939-40 World's Fair. It's like a time traveling machine that brings you back to that era. The app is great too (though occasionally over the top), and easy to navigate, with stacks grouped together and galleries that are easily navigable. Free. The Final Hours of Portal 2: It's a 15,000 word, 13 chapter account of what it took to make Portal 2. Keighley,...

  • Dark Horse App Shoves Hellboy and Axe Cop into Your iPad

    May 17th at 8:39pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    Dark Horse. It's the largest independent comic book publisher in these here United States, and its stable of titles ranges from Hellboy to The Guild to Conan to heart-warming child-written internet sensation Axe Cop. And now it's on your iPad. The free app features titles starting at a buck a pop, and purchases can be saved in the cloud as well as on your iDevice. And while it may seem a little excessive to have Marvel and Comics and Dark Horse apps all on your homescreen, well, just ask yourself what...