Gourmet Live

Food & Drink
Release date
September 23rd 2010
5 Mb
  • The Week’s Best iPhone Apps

    June 4th at 3:00am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    Flare: It's a video recorder app that records in High Dynamic Range. Which means it allows for a greater range of luminance between the lightest and darkest areas of an image to bring a more detailed look at the world. I've always thought HDR photos, when done stunningly, exposed a living and breathing unreality that laid quietly underneath what we see. HDR videos take that to a whole 'nother level. $1 Gourmet live: The former Gourmet Magazine, reinvented on the iPad as Gourmet Live has undergone the...

  • Gourmet Live Is Now on the iPhone

    June 2nd at 8:10pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    The former Gourmet Magazine, reinvented on the iPad as Gourmet Live has undergone the shrunkifying process of porting itself to the iPhone. It's the same content as the iPad: some delicious looking recipes, fun cooking stories and dead simple navigation. The app is simple, just a side scrolling carousel of articles and recipes of which you tap to read with a store and library to access more content. There's not much free content (some of which you can unlock from a weird rewards system) as Gourmet Live...