iSupr8 Levi's Film Workshop: Levi's iSupr8 Film app probably does the best at capture the finicky flickery flippity of those Super 8 cams of yore. It was just updated to include some Levi's-specific features like a denim-esque camera case and other more useful options like adjustable frame rates, customizable film stock (tweak scratches and vignettes), and more. It's probably one of the most powerful "Instagram-type" video recorders available for the iPhone. Facebook Messenger: Think of it as a cross...
iPhone App Serves Music News Based On Your iTunes Library 0
August 3rd at 11:10am / Mashable / 0 opinionsThe Public Radio Exchange has teamed up with music intelligence company The Echo Nest to create an iOS app that serves up music news based on your iTunes. Once you...