Pizza Compass

Oak Studios, LCC
Food & Drink
Release date
May 5th 2013
1.2 Mb
  • ScoreCleaner Notes, Pizza Compass,, and More

    May 11th at 2:10am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    Spring may have officially sprung weeks ago, but the weather is finally starting to catch up. Which means you can finally escape from hibernation and reenter the social world around you. This week's set of apps are here to help you connect with friends and have the time of your life— be it with beautiful music or just some chatting over pizza, you'll be all set....

  • Pizza Compass App Finally Makes Your Smartphone Useful

    May 7th at 11:05pm / Mashable / 0 opinions

    Ever get the craving for a slice, like, right now? If you can stomach the 99-cent charge, you might want to employ Pizza Compass in the future to quell your pizza jones. The app, which hit the App Store earlier this month, points you in the direction of the nearest pizza joint. In a limited trial, I found the app to be pretty accurate. The interface, which overlays Google Maps with slice icons representing pizzarias, is also cute.

  • This Brilliant Pizza Compass App Is Exactly What It Sounds Like

    May 7th at 9:10pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    It’s 2am. You’re leading your goofball friends through the streets, trying to find an open pizza place. Yelp is inconclusive. Google Maps is worse. Soon, thanks to the new slice-finding app Pizza Compass, such uncomfortable scenarios may be obsolete....

  • Is there any app that deserves to exist more than Pizza Compass?

    May 7th at 8:48pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    We’ve all been in that situation. It’s late, you’re in the middle of nowhere and all you want – above all else – is a glorious, delicious slice of pizza....

  • This Amazing Pizza Compass App Will Point You To The Nearest Slice

    May 7th at 10:33am / Cult of Mac / 0 opinions

    Finding pizza late at night can be difficult. You go to one restaurant and it’s closed. By the time you make it to your next option you realize it sucks and there’s something better down the way. There’s a new app that’s going to change all that, and it’s called Pizza Compass....