Drync: The better way to buy wine

Drync LLC
Food & Drink
Release date
April 12th 2013
44.5 Mb
  • Wine Discovery App Drync Guzzles $2.1 Million, Arrives On iPad

    April 9th at 3:03pm / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    Having a good wine, and want to remember it later? A mobile app called Drync has proven handy in helping you do just that, by offering a simple way to "scan" the bottle of wine in front of you in order to identify it, then mark it as a favorite so you can order it again or have it sent to your home. Now, the company has raised and additional $2.1 million in outside funding to continue building…

  • New app for winos invites you to Drync up

    August 15th at 12:22am / Macworld / 0 opinions

    When I see an article online that I want to read, I use Evernote to bookmark it for later; when I see a muffin recipe I want to use, I pin it to my Pinterest page; and when I hear a song I really like, I use Shazam to find out who it is. Now, when I drink wine I like, I can snap a quick pic of the label and add it to a wish list of wines thanks to a new app appropriately called (and somewhat obnoxiously spelled) Drync....