It's Playing Pro

Addition, Lda
Photo & Video
Release date
June 15th 2011
16.1 Mb
  • Back in Time, It’s Playing, Slam Dunk King and More

    October 7th at 10:00pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    It's Playing: It's a video player app for your iPhone and iPad. And like VLC before it, it plays every video file from here to the sun: AVI, MKV, WMV, OGG, FLV and more. What's great is that you don't have to bother converting your video files before you put it on your iPad (like you do with the stock video player), you just plug in your iPad or iPhone to your computer, drag and drop your movie file (that you might've procured from dark areas of the internet) into the It's Playing app (under Apps Tab >...

  • It’s Playing for iPad: Watch Movies on Your iPad Without Converting Files

    September 26th at 10:00pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    VLC used to be the premo app for anyone who wanted to play any sort of video (movies, tv shows, etc.) on their iPad. Sadly, it was pulled from the app store. Luckily, there's It's Playing. It's like VLC except you can download it RIGHT NOW. It's a video player app for your iPhone and iPad. And like VLC before it, it plays every video file from here to the sun: AVI, MKV, WMV, OGG, FLV and more. What's great is that you don't have to bother converting your video files before you put it on your iPad (like...