Björk: Biophilia

Second Wind Ltd Apps
Release date
July 19th 2011
725.6 Mb
  • Bjork launches virtual reality app for iPhone and iPad

    December 22nd at 7:45am / Mashable / 0 opinions

    The real world finally caught up with Bjork's virtual reality style music, and now you can get it via an iOS app.

  • iPad art by singer Bjork becomes first-ever app in MoMA's permanent collection

    June 13th at 10:11pm / AppleInsider / 0 opinions

    While Apple fans consider the iPad hardware itself to be a work of art, it's an app that was designed for the iPad in part by Icelandic singer Björk that has earned the distinction of becoming the first application of its kind accepted into the permanent collection at New York's Museum of Modern Art.

  • iOS apps for music fans

    November 20th at 1:30pm / Macworld / 0 opinions

    Thanks to the digital music revolution, we can now enjoy virtually unlimited music almost anywhere. But we also lost something when we gained the ability to push the play button and listen for hours on end: In many ways, we pay less attention to what we're listening to. Now there are apps for that, too....

  • The Week’s Best iPad Apps

    July 22nd at 10:00pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    Sktch: Everyone and their brother has downloaded a brushes-based drawing app for their iPad. Those apps are fine, but if you're looking for a something outside the box, you need to check out Sktch. Sktch was designed by several digital artists and published by CreativeApplications.Net. It includes 16 presets that let you draw circles, meshes or network-style compositions based on a blank image or a photo from your camera roll. You can even view your creation in 3-D mode and change the x, y and z-axis of...

  • Bjork’s First Song From the Biophilia Album Is Now Out (as an iOS App)

    July 21st at 11:25am / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    After all the hoopla surrounding the fact Bjork's got a new album and that she's releasing it as ten in-app purchases, it's finally here, with the app itself costing zilch, and the first song just $2. You can pre-purchase all ten songs for $10, which would be the better option for true fans—and lest you think it's just a straight MP3-playing app, think again. Bjork's cannily packaging each song with extras, such as karaoke versions (just imagine!), lyrics, an essay, "abstract song animation, and with...