Martha's Everyday Food: Fresh & Easy Recipes

Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc
Food & Drink
Release date
February 15th 2010
10.4 Mb
  • iPhone Photography Finds Its Way Into Print

    July 4th at 10:36pm / Mashable / 0 opinions

    It's not just iPhone-created art that's making its way into magazines. iPhone photography is beginning to make somewhat frequent appearances as well. The latest of these...

  • When It’s Okay to Pay For an App

    February 25th at 7:03pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    There are over 130,000 apps in the App Store. About 100,000 of those expect you to pay cash money for a download. Sometimes it's worth it! Often, it's not. Prof. Dealzmodo's here to help you tell the difference. Oscar Wilde was right about cynics: they know the cost of everything and the value of nothing. On your next trip to the App Store, don't be cynical. Be smart—even if it means spending a little money. Last fall, John pondered the App Store Effect, which holds that Apple's model results in price...